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在去年6月的YCC(Young Collectors Council)派对上,古根海姆博物馆和LG宣布了为期5年的多元化合作伙伴关系——“LG古根海姆艺术与技术计划(The LG Guggenheim Art and Technology Initiative)”,旨在发掘和支持将技术作为艺术媒介的艺术家。在派对现场,LG Display展示了巨大的透明OLED照片墙,引起了宾客的赞叹,进一步加深了对即将通过技术和艺术融合带来的新奇体验的期待感。

The exterior of the Guggenheim Museum building is written about the YCC party hosted by LG and Guggenheim in fluorescent colors on a dark evening.
Inside the Guggenheim museum, colored with purple lights, there are YCC party phrases written in fluorescent colors.

今年的YCC派对由阿联酋(UAE)出身的新锐艺术家法拉·阿尔·卡西米(Farah Al Qasimi) 全权负责设计,利用LG Display的透明OLED技术,演绎了融合技术与艺术共存、面向未来的“Artificial Digital Paradise(人工数字乐园)”。将古根海姆博物馆变身为一个完全不同的完美派对空间。


  • A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and an image full of red tulips appears as the background. A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and an image full of red tulips appears as the background.
  • A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and Farah Al Qasimi poses behind the transparent display. A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and Farah Al Qasimi poses behind the transparent display.
  • A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and three women pose behind the transparent display. A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and three women pose behind the transparent display.
  • A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and two men pose behind the transparent display. A photo wall with nine Transparent OLEDs shows YCC party phrases and two men pose behind the transparent display.


  • One horizontal and two vertical Transparent OLEDs are placed in the center of the DJ booth with green lights, showing colorful images and YCC 2023 phrases. One horizontal and two vertical Transparent OLEDs are placed in the center of the DJ booth with green lights, showing colorful images and YCC 2023 phrases.
  • One horizontal and two vertical Transparent OLEDs are placed in the center of the DJ booth with green lights, showing colorful images and YCC 2023 phrases. One horizontal and two vertical Transparent OLEDs are placed in the center of the DJ booth with green lights, showing colorful images and YCC 2023 phrases.
  • A vertical Transparent OLED screen presents a phrase about the partnership between LG and Guggenheim, and a DJ is adjusting the console next to it. A vertical Transparent OLED screen presents a phrase about the partnership between LG and Guggenheim, and a DJ is adjusting the console next to it.
  • A vertical Transparent OLED presents a phrase on the partnership between LG and Guggenheim, and a flower image is visible behind the transparent display. A vertical Transparent OLED presents a phrase on the partnership between LG and Guggenheim, and a flower image is visible behind the transparent display.


今年YCC派对的高潮部分是向“LG古根海姆奖(LGxGuggenheim Award)”的获奖者致敬,该奖授予在技术和艺术的交汇处开展创新性作品活动的艺术家。为了祝贺该奖项的新一任获奖者,基于人工智能展开创作活动的跨媒体艺术家斯蒂芬妮·丁金斯(Stephanie Dinkins),以《鱿鱼游戏》闻名世界的著名演员李政宰也参加了派对,为现场增添光彩。

Four people are standing inside the Guggenheim Museum, which is illuminated by subtle lighting, and a woman is making a presentation.
LG Guggenheim Award winner, actor Lee Jung-jae, and LG and Guggenheim officials stand together with champagne glasses.

透明OLED曾经是一种来自未来的尖端显示技术,随着越来越多的运用,正在无缝地融入我们生活的各个角落。 处于艺术和技术融合顶端的透明OLED,也越来越受到艺术工作者与爱好者的认可和喜爱,在各种空间中都能发挥丰富多彩的作用,展现出无限的应用潜力。请继续关注透明OLED在未来的发展,它将为我们带来更多惊喜。

*有关LG古根海姆艺术与技术计划(The LG Guggenheim Art and Technology Initiative)及年度首位LG古根海姆奖(LGxGuggenheim Award)获奖者斯蒂芬妮·丁金斯(Stephanie Dinkins)的更多信息,请访问 链接
